Being The Hero

September 24, 2017  •  1 Comment

22052399_10211849983179818_1589507126_n22052399_10211849983179818_1589507126_nPhoto By: Talaya


Weddings are stressful enough, as a couple you are planning the perfect day, up to months and months in advance.  As a bride, you want nothing short of perfection, so when original plans of going with another photographer fall through, panic sets in and of course more stress...  Luckily, Ms. Eve contacted IMAGINE and we set a course of action to get her what she needed  -- Photos for her wedding invitations, that need to go out ASAP for her upcoming nuptial.

It was another early start for us, as we rolled out of bed at 4:50am and made our way to location.   We were greeted by a beautiful, cool (63 degrees) desert morning!  But the sun wasn't the only greeter, low and behold, a hummingbird graced us with her presences. What beautiful sign of things to come.   Eve's little sister, Talaya took this great photo, IMAGINE in action!  Thank you Talaya! 

After wrapping up, we took some time, and later today, presented Eve and Loren with the final shots.  They were extremely happy with the images, and declared us "Heros of the Day"!  

Thank you Eve and Loren for putting your trust in IMAGINE!   We are looking forward to attending your wedding and officially being your Wedding Photographers!   




Yes IMAGINE your truly gifted in your work. I can not stop raving about your work. I said it time and time again I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!!!! It was well worth getting up early in the morning. I’ve never seen a photographer get down and dirty to make sure you capture the best shot. I look forward to future business with you. Your Amazing and your work is truly a work of ART! To future clients you will not be disappointed with her work! I am just so grateful I’ve found a perfect match when it come to finding a photographer. Thank you IMAGINE
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