IMAGINE Graphic Design: Blog en-us (C) IMAGINE Graphic Design (IMAGINE Graphic Design) Thu, 28 Apr 2022 20:36:00 GMT Thu, 28 Apr 2022 20:36:00 GMT Coming to the end of the year... IMAGINE has always been busy at the end of the school year, however this year is an exception as we have been selected to provide cap/gown photos for two high schools and even classroom photos.   We are excited to provide these ordered photo packets as we handle all photos will care.   We are looking at getting ordered photos within 20 business days.   We appreciate your patience.

(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Thu, 28 Apr 2022 20:33:51 GMT
Don't think for a minute That I'm gonna sit around and sing some old sad song As we begin the school year, our seniors of 2021 have embarked on an unprecedented beginning...   Many schools have opted to start the new year online, some hybrid and a few in person.   Which ever the case maybe our seniors are still beaming with pride and will ride out this storm with grace.  This includes our spunky September featured student athlete Kaela from Flagstaff.    And as the lyrics go by ol' George,

"Folks are always dreaming about what they like to do
But I like to do just what I like
I'll take the chance, dance the dance"


My name is Kaela Henry.
I am Navajo and currently a senior at Flagstaff High School.
This year I plan on getting involved with Native American Club and American Indian Science and Engineering Society. I was in these clubs last year but it ended early due to COVID-19. 
I really enjoy playing softball. I play the positions of catcher and third base. I really like catcher because you are always involved in every play and you have to pay attention to details. Third base is awesome too because you have more opportunities to make amazing plays. 
Lately I’ve been getting into photography and tie dying. A friend of mine has a camera and we go out to take pictures. I also like to read, paint and hang out with friends.



(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Wed, 02 Sep 2020 20:39:02 GMT
Monument Valley Cougar - Tanner Each athletic sport offers its own physical discipline, but they all involve personal responsibility, mental toughness and strong camaraderie.  Working with Tanner, IMAGINE could see all these characteristics within him and we definitely see who instilled those traits... mom.   This little family drove from Monument Valley, Utah to have their backdrop be the scenic Sedona-Arizona setting.   We had a little set back for an early morning session as the Forest Service was implementing their proscribed burns. It took a little time for the smoke to settle, but overall, we had a great time!  

This student-athlete is a well decorated wrestler who represented this home state and high school at the 2019 Marines Junior Championships in Fargo, North Dakota and is destine for a college career.   

We wish you the Best Tanner!   



(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Tue, 19 Nov 2019 23:09:36 GMT
Now they always say congratulations... From Chemistry to Sociology to BioMed this kid 'worked so hard, (and) forgot how to vacation.'   Of course if you want to one day become a physician, vacations are only a fantasy when the you're too busy making a dream happen!    Shawndeena will be graduating with honors from Northern Arizona University in a few weeks.  She will have a brief break before continuing her pursue of becoming a doctor.  

When we started out the session, there was some reluctance, some shyness, but as she viewed more and more images via the back camera screen, she let down the guard.  So many of the session images show movement and enthusiasm.   At the end of the session she noted that she wished she could stay dressed in her traditional outfit, which no doubt made her feel invisible and full of energy; protection and energy, that only our Dine culture could instill.  She is determined to be among the few that will challenage themselves become healers. 

"Now... (we) ...say congratulations", take a breather, regroup, reflect and power forward!  Wishing you the best!!




(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Tue, 02 Apr 2019 05:15:03 GMT
Monument Valley Sunflower IMAGINE Graphic Design Features

2019 March -Student Athlete 

Certainly not left in the dust, this self motivated Sunflower is on an extraordinary track of light!  From academics to athletics, Thomasina, meaning very intuitive, has made her journey an untraveled one.   Like the Sunflower, she seeks light but also cautious of her surroundings.   IMAGINE was quite lucky to work with this down-to-earth beauty.   

On track for recognition for the Class of 2019, she awaits top honors for her high school, the state of Arizona and national academics.   

Your future is bright Thomasina!   --you gotta wear shades!  :)    -referencing my 80s culture.


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(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Sat, 02 Mar 2019 17:45:38 GMT
Tell me somethin', girl From valley sunrises to desert sunsets, this student athlete takes on the day for everything it's got.  The bruises show the intensity and the conversations display the intellect as we spent the morning photographing Kelli.  She had expressed early on that she loved the cactus saguaro, no doubt for it's rarity and elegance.  Our goal was to select a location that would offer both convenience and little foot traffic, so we drove to the Four Peaks Wildness Area and found the perfect spot. 

Kelli took the time to travel from Winslow, the day before, so we could get an early start the next morning.  The shoot was an overall success and it was pleasure working with the National Honor Society student athlete.  After the shoot, we did have to take some extra time to remove a few cactus quills here and there, but desert offered it's beauty, we were more than happy to sacrifice the tiny inconveniences.  

IMAGINE loves meeting these rising stars, and in this case a blooming blossom!  Aside from the impressive resume in both academics and athletics, she is a down to earth person with a strong future!  Thank you Kelli and family!

  • Four year letterman and started in both volleyball and basketball as a freshman 
  • Northland Basketball All Star
  • Navajo Times all area all star 
  • Winslow Volleyball co-player of the year 
  • Tuba City Starling’s National Runner-Up


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(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Sat, 02 Feb 2019 04:32:37 GMT
Never Losing Sight Pressed for time and a snow storm looming near the Strong Hold, starter point guard Asia was awesome to photograph!   Filled with energy, calling like it is and keeping it natural, this point guard's primary job is to facilitate scoring opportunities for her team.  Being a multitasker comes natural to this student athlete as she makes her transition from high school to college, and wherever the road leads her, she will never lose sight of the goal... success.   Good Luck Asia!!


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(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Wed, 16 Jan 2019 17:52:10 GMT
There's Nothing Holding Me Back 2018.08.19

Our Jayda was a sensational subject yesterday, not minding the 100 degree shoot, this soon to be senior was phenomenal!   With a little bit of wardrobe planning she transformed from super student athlete to super model!   She took to the camera so well, such a trooper!

We did start the morning at 6am, but packing and traveling to location always begin at lease an hour before.  On our way, we did take a little detour to grab some coffees and Dutch Bro treats, which not only gave a hefty boost but also doubled as a great prop!  We had such a great time freezing time with this awesome volleyball player who just recently represented Arizona at the HP Championships in Tulsa, OK.   

So great that this Lady Warrior is our 2020 Senior student rep.  

As a Warrior, She says that she's never afraid..




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(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Tue, 21 Aug 2018 06:48:57 GMT
Tséhootsooí Middle School and Window Rock High School Winter Sport Photos IMAGINE Graphic Design had the pleasure of working with two great schools; Tséhootsooí Middle School and Window Rock High School the week of January 3rd.   

IMAGINE will be delivering the sports photos the week of January 29th.  To athletes who purchased their photos at the session, the photos will be delivered to your coaches for distribution.  Thank you so much for your orders!

For athletes still interested in purchasing their photos, please email IMAGINE Graphic Design at     Please leave your phone number and email address, so that I may return your message.  


Girls and Boys Sport Booster Club(s)

Poster designs will be posted to a private gallery for content review.  Password(s) will be provided to the Booster Lead for distribution among the parent/guardian group(s).  



(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Wed, 03 Jan 2018 21:06:00 GMT
Arizona Sun Devil rd-5rd-5

IMAGINE had the pleasure of photographing a stunning Sun Devil!   Graduation is approaching, on the Arizona horizon, and IMAGINE was able to photograph and get announcements done within 7-10 business days!   Our client was excited to see the final product.  The graduating class of 2017 is rounding out their final group of awesome graduates!!  We wish you the best!!!  2018 here they come!


(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Thu, 30 Nov 2017 01:49:11 GMT
7 months plus One day dt171122w-12dt171122w-12

What an awesome late morning session with this handsome boy!  Not yet walking, and learning to crawl, IMAGINE had work fast before this little tike lose interest.  As you can see, we did pretty good!   Happy baby, happy mommy and great photos!   See more images at our gallery and book your session.   They grow up fast!


(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Sat, 25 Nov 2017 04:14:49 GMT
Natural Light HHB-blog-7HHB-blog-7

When moments call for Natural Light, the situation will dictate.   

We arrived at the location, with the notion that we'd be able to park anywhere we'd like, only to be faced with the situation of driving in circles to find a parking space.   For months, Phoenicians have been patiently awaiting our well deserved cool mornings, so it being November, our morning bonuses are finally here - meaning everyone is out early.   

As we looked for a spot to do the sessions, I kept thinking to myself how beautiful the light was, soft and predictable.  We found our clients and were ready to roll - however after setting up, my main light was out, and unuseable.   I got my wish...  natural light it is.  With just a reflector, these images were the result.   Our clients were thrilled at the outcome... this particular client based entailed 4 generations.   

IMAGINE is already booked for upcoming baby session.  



(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Mon, 13 Nov 2017 00:29:05 GMT
HeroSquared TB-14TB-14

(10.21.17)   When it happens for the first time, I call it luck but when it happens a second time, it's because of skills.  IMAGINE was called upon to be hero for another couple in need.   We were able to deliver photos and printed announcements within 5-7 business days.  It was an absolute pleasure to work them and we've extended our client base beyond our Tempe location.  We wish them the best!  


(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Tue, 07 Nov 2017 04:01:35 GMT
Bump! Set! Spike! An easy Sunday (10.08.17) morning start to an upcoming fabulous week with these five aspiring young ladies from Scout County!  Ranging from sassy to modest, each of these girls had their own characteristics but in all were extremely pleasant, well mannered, and hilarious.   These fine ladies will be presented with 12" x 36" framed, custom collages, designed by IMAGINE Graphic Design, tomorrow night at Senior Graduate night.  We're looking forward to seeing photos from the presentation ceremony.  It will certainly be a night to remember, not only for these girls but their parents, family and friends.  They prepare to take the next steps in their lives and IMAGINE is certainly proud to have been a part of preserving an image in time for them. 



(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Sat, 21 Oct 2017 05:46:58 GMT
Being The Hero 22052399_10211849983179818_1589507126_n22052399_10211849983179818_1589507126_nPhoto By: Talaya


Weddings are stressful enough, as a couple you are planning the perfect day, up to months and months in advance.  As a bride, you want nothing short of perfection, so when original plans of going with another photographer fall through, panic sets in and of course more stress...  Luckily, Ms. Eve contacted IMAGINE and we set a course of action to get her what she needed  -- Photos for her wedding invitations, that need to go out ASAP for her upcoming nuptial.

It was another early start for us, as we rolled out of bed at 4:50am and made our way to location.   We were greeted by a beautiful, cool (63 degrees) desert morning!  But the sun wasn't the only greeter, low and behold, a hummingbird graced us with her presences. What beautiful sign of things to come.   Eve's little sister, Talaya took this great photo, IMAGINE in action!  Thank you Talaya! 

After wrapping up, we took some time, and later today, presented Eve and Loren with the final shots.  They were extremely happy with the images, and declared us "Heros of the Day"!  

Thank you Eve and Loren for putting your trust in IMAGINE!   We are looking forward to attending your wedding and officially being your Wedding Photographers!   



(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Sun, 24 Sep 2017 23:12:13 GMT
A Lady Scout September 3, 2017

vjames-6vjames-6 What a beautiful place to be... Wheatfields, Arizona.   As a photographer, lighting is everything, so prepping into the late night for a 6am photoshoot does get a little tough sometimes.  This 6am photoshoot meant getting up at 4:30am, packing, and driving 45 min to the location, from Window Rock, Arizona.   

It was an absolute pleasure working with Ms. Nessa.  What made the session more fun was getting her into the ice cold water, and like a true blue Scout, she braved the waters with a smile.   It's quite evident that this young woman will face both her senior year and future with pose and tenacity.  

I'm looking forward to meeting more Class of 2018 individuals!


(IMAGINE Graphic Design) Thu, 21 Sep 2017 06:20:18 GMT